Common Bluetongue

Tiliqua scincoides

The Common Bluetongue is easily identified by the presence of its large, blue tongue, which contrasts with the pink color of the inside of its mouth.

Estatuto de conservação

  • Não avaliado
  • Dados insuficientes
  • LC
    Pouco preocupante
  • NT
    Quase ameaçado
  • VU
  • EN
    Em perigo
  • CR
    Criticamente em perigo
  • EW
    Extinto na natureza
  • EX

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    45 - 50 cm
    500 g
    20 years
    Leaves, fruits and invertebrates
    Semi-desert areas, scrublands, and forests
    10 - 15 cubs

    They are robust lizards with a broad head and small limbs compared to the body. Its body is flattened and covered with smooth scales. They are greyish in color, with transverse brown stripes on the upper part of the body. They have a large, blue tongue, which contrasts with the pink color of the inside of their mouth.

    It is a lizard with solitary habits, not very aggressive and very shy. It moves mainly on the ground and rarely strays from shelter areas, which consist of hollow logs and ground crevices. When threatened, it opens its mouth, showing its blue tongue, which is interpreted by predators as a sign that the lizard can be unpleasant and dangerous. He can also hiss or puff up his body to look bigger. In clashes with other individuals, the lizard can lose its tail, which grows back in the future.

    Ovoviviparous species. The breeding period occurs in the spring. At each breeding cycle, they give birth to between 10 and 15 young.

    There are no specific conservation actions. Subpopulations of this species are present in over 46 national parks in Australia. They belong to Appendix III of Cites.

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