Red-necked Wallaby

Macropus rufogriseus

This marsupial herbivore moves across the jump and inhabits arid plains and savannas in South Australia and Tasmania. It is estimated to have arrived in Australia between 71.2 and 65.2 million years ago (Beck 2008).

Estatuto de conservação

  • Not Evaluated
  • Data Deficient
  • LC
    Least Concern
  • NT
    Near threatened
  • VU
  • EN
  • CR
    Critically Endangered
  • EW
    Extinct in the Wild
  • EX

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    Body: 93cm to 1m / Tail: 70 to 75cm
    13,8 a 18,6 kg
    18 years
    Shoots and leaves
    1 cub

    Red-necked Wallabies are grey and have a reddish colour on their neck. Like the other Kangaroos, they are characterized by a small head in relation to the body and, mainly, by the marsupial pouch located in the abdominal region of the females. Their long tail is used as a support for their jumping movement. The front legs are short and the hind legs are long and robust. They can stand on their hind legs and support their weight through their tails.

    Red-necked Wallabies are particularly active animals at dusk and during the night, foraging during this period. They are not territorial and do not build shelters, but rest during the day under dense vegetation. They tap the ground with their paws to warn others if they sense danger. They usually are solitary, however, they can explore the territories in groups of up to 30 individuals.

    Females become sexually active at 1 year of age. After 30 days of gestation, the offspring are born during the summer season, migrating to the marsupial pouch, where they remain suckling for about 280 days, that is, they only emerge from the mother's pouch in may or june of the following year. After that time, they leave the pouch and return only to suckle, rest or obtain protection.

    This species is quite prevalent in Tasmania. As happens with marsupials in general, the destruction of their habitat and hunting are the main causes of their progressive disappearance. In the past, Red-necked Wallabies were massively captured for their fur and persecuted by farmers who claimed competition with domestic livestock. The population figures have recovered in recent years, and today this species is common to abundant in most of its distribution. They are protected by law wherever they live but can be killed under license when considered a pest to crops or pastures, or during the hunting season in Tasmania.

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