Red Panda

Ailurus fulgens

A small reddish mammal that loves to hang out in the tree tops, spending most of the day resting.

Estatuto de conservação

  • Not Evaluated
  • Data Deficient
  • LC
    Least Concern
  • NT
    Near threatened
  • VU
  • EN
  • CR
    Critically Endangered
  • EW
    Extinct in the Wild
  • EX

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    3.7 - 6.2kg
    12 years
    Bamboo, berries and eggs
    Himalayan mountains
    1 to 4 cubs

    Red Pandas are known for their long, bushy tails (40cm) and marked by alternating red and yellow rings. The head is round, the face is short, and the ears are large, erect, and pointed. They have long, coarse hair all over their body, and the undercoat is soft, dense, and woolly. The face is white, with reddish-brown "tear" markings under the eyes.

    Red Pandas are solitary animals, and their activity is crepuscular and nocturnal. They are arboreal animals and therefore sleep in nests in high areas of trees, using their tails to swing. Locomotion on the ground is slow-moving, and when they move, the tail adopts a taut, horizontal position. These animals lick their entire body and limbs, wash their face with their paw, and stretch or rub their back against fixed objects, such as trees or rocks.
    When feeling threatened, Red Pandas climb into a tree or attack with their semi-retractable claws.

    The mating season takes place at the beginning of winter and during the rest of the year they rarely interact with each other. The gestation period is approximately 134 days.

    The global population of Red Pandas has declined by about 50% in the last 20 years, and it is estimated that there may be only 2500 individuals in the wild. The main threats to the survival of this species are the loss, degradation, and fragmentation of its habitat, a consequence of human exploitation and climate change. Poaching and trade of these animals (for the use of their skins and other body parts) are other major threat factor. Red Panda skins are used to make hats and their tails are used as duster.

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