Plains Zebra

Equus quagga

Relatives of horses, Zebras gather in large groups. Their stripes create great confusion in the eyes of their predators, making them difficult to chase!

Estatuto de conservação

  • Não avaliado
  • Dados insuficientes
  • LC
    Pouco preocupante
  • NT
    Quase ameaçado
  • VU
  • EN
    Em perigo
  • CR
    Criticamente em perigo
  • EW
    Extinto na natureza
  • EX

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    2,17 - 2,46 m
    175 - 385Kg
    40 years
    1 cub

    Its distinctive black and white stripes make the Plains Zebra easily recognizable. The vertical stripes become horizontal as they approach the animal's croup. The mane is short and spiky. Each pattern is unique, functioning as an individual identity.
    The tail of the Plains Zebra is short and ends in a tuft of black fur.

    Zebras are very social animals and live in large, permanent family groups, with the group having a dominant male. The relations between the different herds are cordial, and the males have rituals of knowledge and acceptance. When they meet, males keep their ears up and smell other animals, especially the neck, flanks and tail. The Zebra plucks the grass with the help of the upper lip and the lower incisors. They are animals well equipped with large molars, they can process the most resistant plant material.

    Plains Zebra are common and are widespread across Africa, but there has been a population decline in 10 of the 17 states since the 1992 and 2002 IUCN Red List assessments. In many countries, these Zebras are found only in protected areas. The population of this species is estimated at 500 thousand animals, totaling only 150 to 250 thousand mature individuals. They are threatened by hunting, especially when they move out of protected areas. Hunting for their skins occurs, particularly in East Africa.

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